Part of Welcome to GALA/A Short History of GALA
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The Gay and Lesbian Alliance at U B is a student run organization
serving the needs of the university community (that's you). Our office/
resource center in 207 Talbert Hall is open MOn. -Fri . 12 - 5. All are
welcome to stop by, chat, meet new people, browse through our reading
material, or maybe just relax.
Meetings are held each Friday at 5 PM in 207 Talbert. Almost anytning
can be and usually is discussed, but occasionally business is mentioned.
All are welcome.
Coffeehouses are held each Friday night at 9 PM on the Main St . Campus.
·The atmosphere is casual and relaxed. Wine, munchies -- and of course,
coffee -- are served. Coffeehouse is a unique social event at UB which
has become something of a tradition. Show up once and you'll see what
we mean -- but be warned. CH can be habit-forming.
Each semester we run an event series, usually biweekly. Typical events
r ange from panel discussions or guest speakers to movies, games nights
or parties. Consult the schedule of events for this semester for more
Other services we offer include a library (small but growing steadily),
a housing bulletin board, and referrals to other gay/lesbian organizations
in the Buffalo area. Projects in the works include peer counseling, gay
men's and lesbians' rap groups, and a political coalition of several local
We are always happy to see new faces at GALA, either as active members
or just occasional visitors. Above all, if you ever need anyone to talk
to, chances are we're just a phone call (or campus bus ride) away.
A S_bort Hi.§tory Of G.b1.A
The roots of what is now the Gay and Lesbian Alliance at the
University at · Buffalo date back to when the first constitution was
drawn up under the name of the Gay Liberation Front. · At that t:Lme
the group existed primarily as a support group for its members and as
a co!~e group determined to rnake the ga.y/lesbL3.n pr·esence known at ll. H.
Meetings were relatively unstructured and set up to provide a freeflowtllg tra.n saction of ideas. Out of this early grouP'II came our most
beloved tradition --- our weekly coffeehouses in Townsend Hall.
which are now held in Allen Hall.
the years~ the GLF slo\Vly changedu Members came and
went~ but the organization grew steadily.
In the late 70's~ the GLF
acquired an office in Squire Hall on the Main Street campus as a
recognized Student Association o:rg.anizati.on. At this t:Lme the GLF
was also successful in puching through a University-wide anti..,
discrimination clause in U.B.'s constitution which covered sexual
rJ!he name of the organizatio11 was later changed to the Gay Peoples 1
Alliance, just prior to the closing of Squire Union, With the
closing of Squire. the GPA moved to its present home in 207 Talbert
Hall. The organization began to ezpand and really take off,
catering to the entire University community with a weekly event series,
co-sponsorship of events with other organizations. and of course.
the Coffehouse tradition!!
In 19112 our name was changed again to its present na.me~ Gay An d
Lesbian Alliance. The organization is now in a period of steady
growth and diversification. GALA is becoming increasingly political
while at the same time continuing our commi.tt.ment to both socia.l and
support functions. In the past we've sponsored speakers~ games nights.
movies, dances, parties. forums. seminars, a state wide-conference
and the list goes on ••••
This year promises to be just as exciting with many projects
and activities being planned right now!!
just to chat!!!!)
Stop by for the fun (or even