Take it or Leave it Black and white photograph of a UB student going face to face with a drag queen.
Denim Day Unites Gay Community Newspaper article reporting on the |Gay Jeans Day|, an event held during Coming Out Week.
Event Educates, Celebrates Homosexuality Newspaper article reporting on the second annual Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Alliance conference.
Ellen's Coming out...why aren't you? Flier advertising a meeting of the Graduate Gay and Lesbian Alliance.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Alliance Yearbook Photo Yearbook spread for the LGBA, featuring three black and white photographs and a brief biography of the group.
Gayla '96 Flier advertising Gayla '96, a reception for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual students, faculty, staff and their supporters.
Preaching to the Converted A pamplet from Preaching to the Converted, The Interdisciplinary Queer Studies Graduate Conference held at UB.
Students 'Come Out' to Celebrate Newspaper article reporting on the events of the LGBA's Coming Out Week, specifically the Drag Show.
To friends of the Graduate Gay and Lesbian Alliance Letter written by the President of the Graduate Gay and Lesbian Alliance to the members of the group.
October is National Gay and Lesbian History Month Flier advertising National Gay and Lesbian History Month. Includes a black and white photograph of James Baldwin, a famous gay man.
Students try to educate each other about gender, sexuality Newspaper article reporting on the the Gender Roles and Sexuality Program (GRASP).
LGBA prepares to 'come out' Newspaper article reporting on the LGBA's National Coming Out Day event.
Armed forces stay out of closet Newspaper article reporting on the prostest of the Army and Navy recruiters by the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Law Students.
LGBA strengthens despite acts of bias Newspaper article interviewing members of the LGBA about their campus activities and on homophobia on campus.
Vandalism at LGBA office Newspaper article reporting on the vandalism of the LGBA office door.
LGBA Yearbook Photo Yearbook spread for the LGBA, which includes a large black and white photograph of group members and a short biography of the group.
Year in Review: Anti-Discrimination Yearbook spread briefly discussing various anti-discrimination efforts on campus.
LGBA looks for increase in members and respect Newspaper article interviewing members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Alliance (LGBA) about being gay on campus.
Students, faculty rally to fight sexual discrimination Newspaper article reporting on students and faculty who participated in a rally to support gay rights and anti-discrimination.
Second Meeting of the Gay and Lesbian Graduate Student Union Flier advertising the second meeting of the Gay and Lesbian Graduate Student Union.
Welcome to GALA/A Short History of GALA Letter written to the student body instruducing the Gay and Lesbian Alliance (GALA) and providing a brief history of the group.
Gay Peoples Alliance presents Coffee House Newspaper advertisement for the Gay Peoples Alliance Coffee House
Gay Peoples Alliance Yearbook Photo Yearbook spread for the Gay People Alliance, featuring one large black and white photograph of one member of the group.
Gay Liberation Front Open House Newspaper advertisement for the Gay Liberation Front's Open House
Gay at UB? A flier advertising the Gay Peoples Alliance.